Legal Notice


The University makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information in the website and prospectuses is correct and current at the time of publishing/printing. Please note however that the content is naturally subject to change from time to time.

Course Information

The information on this website and in our prospectuses is correct at the time of publishing/printing and is provided for the guidance of students applying to or entering the University. The University makes all reasonable efforts to provide the degree schemes, tuition and learning support and research opportunities and other services and facilities with reasonable care and skill and in the way described in the website and prospectus.

Please note in particular that the Key Information Sets (KIS) data are provided by HEFCE, based on information provided by the University and other agencies. While we have made all reasonable efforts to ensure their accuracy, it is possible that they may include aggregate or national data, as well as data specific to the course.

The University undertakes forward planning and, ordinarily, where a decision is taken to cease providing a course or module, or to withdraw from provision at a particular location, registered students currently on course will be taught to the conclusion of their studies and/or consulted on the change. Other circumstances outside the control of the University that may impact on your programme of study may include but not be limited to a key member of staff leaving the University or being unable to supervise or teach, where the module content relies on their area of expertise; or where a module does not meet the minimum number of students needed to ensure a good quality educational experience. The Office for Students requires the University to publish an approved Student Protection Plan, which sets out the University’s assessment of, and mitigation for, the risks which could affect the continuation of study for the University’s students. You can find ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ’s current approved plan on the Contract Terms for Students webpage at /media/lancaster-university/contentassets/documents/study/undergraduate/LancasterUniversityStudentProtectionPlan.pdf

The University will make available to students such learning support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate but may vary what it provides and how it provides it from time to time (for example, the University may consider it desirable to change the way it provides library or IT support).

The University shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any obligations under the Contract Terms where such delay or failure is caused, contributed to or made worse by any act, circumstance or event beyond the University's reasonable control. This may include but is not limited to events such as acts of God, war, terrorism, industrial disputes (including disputes involving the University's employees), fire or flood caused by something other than the University’s negligence, storm, a new pandemic or other epidemic or a change or adverse development in an existing pandemic or other epidemic, a new law or Government restriction or a change in an existing law or Government restriction and national emergencies (these are collectively known as "Force Majeure Events"). However, should the University be subject to a Force Majeure Event, it will take reasonable steps to minimise the disruption to your studies.

The willingness of the University to consider an application is no guarantee of acceptance. Students are admitted to the University on the basis that the information they provide on their application form is complete and correct.

Personal staff and student webpages

The University does not monitor personal staff or student webpages published independently of their work at the University. The views and information on such webpages are not provided by the University and so do not constitute official University information, and need not reflect the views of the University. Consequently, the University does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information.

Links to third party information

This website includes links to third party websites. These links are used to provide further information and are not intended to signify that the University endorses such websites and/or their content. The University takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a result of using the information published on any of the pages of the linked websites.

Copyright Statement

All material housed on this web server and associated web servers operated by Faculties, Schools, Research Centres or Administrative Departments within ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ is, unless otherwise acknowledged, Copyright ? ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ. This material, whether text, images, sound or other media forms, cannot be republished without permission. Permission is hereby granted for such material to be viewed, stored, or output as 'hard copy', for individual, non-commercial use only.

Where individual authors are credited, each asserts his or her moral right to be identified as the author of that material.

If you wish to incorporate any of our images in your own material, then before doing so please contact the named author (if given), the University Webmaster, or email Simon Jennings, Director of Strategic Planning and Deputy Secretary at


For the purposes of Public Liability and Employers Liability claims, the University's insurers are U.M. Association Limited, Certificate No. Y016458QBE0123A/080 Certificate of Entry No. UM080/05

Freedom of Information

Modern Slavery Act

TU Facility time reporting 2022-23