Innovation in Place
Through innovation, we can create a fairer society across geographies and groups, and in particular places and spaces. Where innovation happens matters – it can change quality of life. By taking development to targeted regions, and understanding their unique challenges and potential, we can enable socio-economic flourishing.
We work in?isolated?rural communities and?areas of poverty, to develop entrepreneurial ecosystems; with the NHS,?UK and international?governments, Local Enterprise Partnerships, present and future leaders; and drive?change?in connectivity infrastructures, support natural disaster response, and promote compassionate leadership.
Over almost 25 years, we have?worked?with SMEs in the?North West?of England and beyond, building a strong reputation for improving productivity and leadership, and develop new?sustainable practices and skills.?
Compassionate leadership in the NHS
Professor Michael West CBE has worked with the NHS for more than a decade, transforming leadership and cultures across the?healthcare?sector in England to deliver high-quality, compassionate patient care.
Find out more about how Professor West’s work has helped improve the wellbeing of NHS staff.
Mobile Access North Yorkshire (MANY)
The MANY project tackles the socio-economic digital divide in rural communities?in North Yorkshire.?LUMS worked alongside national and local government and IT service providers to?help individuals?and organisations benefit from 5G connectivity.
Discover how the MANY team engaged with the local community, and why it is important their voices and concerns were heard as part of the 5G network development.
Alternative Entrepreneurship
The favelas of Rio de Janeiro are often associated by outsiders with poverty and crime. Yet entrepreneurs in these areas have drawn in tourists, and provide examples of how people can use entrepreneurship to help them overcome poverty and social exclusion.
Entrepreneurship in Rio's Favelas
Find out more about Dr Josiane Fernandes’ trips to Rio’s favelas and see how they inspired her research.
Transcript for Entrepreneurship in Rio's Favelas
Clean Water in Africa
Water sustains communities, provides the means for energy generation, sewage disposal and food production. In Africa, clean water is an invaluable and sometimes scarce resource. Research can be put to practical use to solve circular water supply challenges.
Professor Lola Dada shows how the RECIRCULATE project brings together researchers and scientists from the UK and Africa to address clean water problems.
Medical Supply Chains
Ensuring availability of medicines, vaccines and medical equipment is a key societal challenge. Helping health services and suppliers develop strategies to address issues around supply and demand, to prevent shortages and supply chain disruption during crises is essential.
Medicine Supply Chains
Dr Kostas Selviaridis explains how the international project works to sustainably reduce shortages of medicines and vaccines.
SME and the NHS
Dr Kostas Selviaridis and Professor Martin Spring describe how their analysis of the Academic Health Science Networks and the Small Business Research Imitative (SBRI) Healthcare helps ensure these projects are working to benefit NHS England and SMEs.
Family Businesses
Family businesses make a major contribution to communities and economies. They are the dominant global business form, and provide lessons and examples for companies the world over.
Family businesses make a major contribution to communities and economies. They are the dominant global business form, and provide lessons and examples for companies the world over.
Financial Reporting Regulations
Financial markets are evolving constantly. Investors, regulators and other stakeholders are turning towards automation to help them with their work ¨C and research from LUMS and ÅÝܽ¶ÌÊÓƵ’s School of Computing and Communications, and ESRC Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science is providing the means to better analyse financial reports, and identify areas of interest and concern, from value creation to corporate misconduct to modern slavery reporting.
Professor Steve Young explains how his work informs and impacts UK regulators.
AI in Professional Services Firms
Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a vision in the future ¨C for many firms it is already here. How it impacts on businesses and individuals depends on how it is applied and where. Through the , Lancaster researchers are analysing practice and helping companies travel in the right direction.
Professor Martin Spring talks us through his work with Professor James Faulconbridge on law and accounting firms, the impacts of Artificial Intelligence, and where AI can be best applied.